Friends, Knitting

Sunday Seaming Party

Yesterday I went over to Stacey’s to help seam up the Red Blanket. There were 8 of us seaming, which worked out perfectly since it was decided that the blanket would have 8 rows of 10 squares.

Sam, Genia, Kim & Michelle
Sam, Genia, Kim & Michelle
Jennifer, Stacey, Marsha
Jennifer, Stacey, Marsha

It turns out, I’m pretty slow at seaming! It took me all day to get my 10 squares seamed together. I guess that was good practice for me…I’ll have my own blanket to seam up someday :) As rows were getting finished, we laid them out to see how it looked. Doesn’t it look great?

Jesse & the blanket
Jesse & the blanket

Stacey & Kim started to seam up the rows after we had a break for dinner. I know there’s still some work to be done, but I think we got a lot accomplished yesterday, and I’m glad I was able to help out!

11 thoughts on “Sunday Seaming Party”

  1. Thanks for sticking it out all day with me Terrie! :) It really was a fun way to spend the day. Be sure to let me know when you are ready to seam up yours…and I’ll come over to help!


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